How to Delete a TikTok Account Permanently | Best Guide

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TikTok is like a video jukebox filled with short, fun clips of people dancing, making jokes, or showing off talents. You scroll through, watch one after another, and before you know it, hours have flown by!

In this blog, I am going to show you how can you delete your TikTok account permanently. Here you can also find perfect image guides for your better understanding.

Please keep in mind that you can’t recover it back once you have deleted your TikTok account permanently. But it will provide you 30 days to recover it. If you change your mind and want to continue using TikTok, you must do it within this period.

Before starting the tutorial, we want to suggest that if you want to delete your TikTok account because of posting an unwanted video, you don’t need to do that. You can only delete the unwanted video from TikTok.

So let’s start the tutorial.

How to Delete a TikTok Account

To delete your TikTok account, just follow these steps-

Step 1: First, you need to open TikTok app on your phone or tablet.

Open TikTok

Step 2: Now, click on the profile icon located bottom-right corner.

Click on Me

Step 3: From the profile page, click on the three dots located upper right corner.

Tap on 3 dots

Step 4: Now, click on “Manage account“.

Go to Manage account

Step 5: Now scroll down and click on “Delete account“.

Select Delete Account

Step 6: You will be asked to confirm if you really want to delete your Tiktok account. From there, click on “Continue“.

Tap on Continue

Step 7: Now you will be asked to confirm your account ownership. For this TikTok will send you a verification code to your email or phone number (depending on your account creating method). Type your confirmation code.

Type Verification Code

Step 8: After typing the confirmation code, click on “Delete account“.

Tap Delete account button

Step 9: Now a pop up window will be opened. from there click on Delete to delete your TikTok account permanently.

Tap on Delete

You are done. Your account is now set to deletion period for 30 days. After it, your account will be successfully deleted permanently.

After deleting your TikTok account, it will remove all of your information such as username, videos, fans, and likes.

How to recover deleted TikTok Account

You can only recover your deleted TikTok account within the deletion period. Once it overs, you can never get it back.

To recover your TikTok account just follow these steps:

Step 1: First, you need to open TikTok app on your phone or tablet.

Open TikTok

Step 2: Now, click on the profile icon located bottom-right corner.

Click on Me

Step 3: If you are not, logged in with another account, TikTok will ask you to sign up. Now click on the “Sign up” button.

Tap on Sign Up

Step 4: Now if you have ever logged in to any TikTok account using your device, it will show up. It will also list your account which has been set for deletion if you have logged in to that account using your device. Choose an account from the list or click on “Add Existing account“.

Tap on your account or add existing account

Step 5: Now, type your phone number or email address (depending on which you have chosen at the time of creating your account). For this tutorial, we are entering our phone number. Then click on “Send Code

Tap on Send code

Step 6: You will receive a confirmation on your phone number or email. Type it on the given field and proceed to the next step.

Type Confirmation Code

Step 7: Now, it will warn you that your account is deactivated and proceed to the deletion period. From there click on “Reactivate” to recover your deleted TikTok account.

Tap on Reactivate account

After clicking on it, your TikTok account will be successfully recovered. But sometimes, it may take some moments to work everything properly.


Here in this article, we have tried to give you better and good guidelines about how to delete a TikTok Account. If you face any issue to do this action, please don’t hesitate to comment us below.

Also if you have any question about any software issue, please contact us through this form. We will review your problem and try our level best to solve it as soon as we can.

Please share this article with friends so that they can also learn how will they delete their TikTok Account. Your share will also inspire us to do more hard work.


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